Thursday, April 20, 2006

Harper Leader or Control Freak?

He won't let his cabinet speak to the media. He won't let the media set-up outside the cabinet room. He won't even let the chief of defense give a speech without having it cleared by the PMO! He has also fired sever communication people in his own office.

Sounds like his less about leading the country and more about being a dictator.

my $0.02

Just found this column from the Toronto Star

Hear that glove snap? The PM will see you now (Apr. 17, 2006. 06:38 AM

All this animosity, these bad feelings, this distrust between the Ottawa press gallery and Stephen Harper should soon be a thing of the past now that the government has got this whole lie detector screening system pretty much up and running.

Since the Conservatives took office, the media have been having a heck of a time dealing with the Prime Minister. Reporters barely get to ask Harper any questions, interviews reporters book with cabinet ministers are cancelled at the last minute without explanation, photo-ops of Harper meeting important national and international visitors are not allowed.

One might almost get the idea that Harper is, I don't know, paranoid or something. A control freak, perhaps. But the government, in its wisdom, realizes keeping the media at a distance can't last forever. Harper has decided to open the door to reporters, to let his caucus members be as up front as possible, provided reporters are willing to meet the government halfway.

That's where the lie detector thing comes in.

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